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Sri Lanka’s equity market has grown
29.03% over the past 3 years*

Have you shared in that success?

*based on the growth of the All Share Total Return Index for the period 1 Jan, 2013 – 31st Dec, 2015

Here’s what we propose

Access the stock market with guidance for as little as Rs. 1 million. Invest in a basket of Sri Lankan equities managed by professional fund managers with over 40 years of collective industry experience through the JB Vantage Value Equity Fund. JB Vantage currently manages Rs. 13 billion + on behalf of individual and institutional investors alike through our family of unit trusts.

Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions? We have got answers

What are some benefits of investing in the Sri Lankan stock market through a pooled investment vehicle at JB Vantage?

Many investors consider investing in the Sri Lankan market to be fraught with peril due to market manipulation and insider trading rumors that abound. Many smaller investors feel at risk of being neglected or discriminated against due to the size of their investments and that large investors may benefit at their expense by receiving preferential treatment and better access to information. By investing through our fund, small investors by-pass rumors and pool their investments together, under the decision making of a professional and experienced fund manager, who is able to access the benefits of large ticket trades, including preferential brokerage charges and tapping of large lots.

How can investors be sure that their particular investment will be well looked after?

By using the pooled fund structure, small investors make sure their voice and investment count. At JB Vantage Unit Trusts we assure the same attention to all investor accounts by managing all investors’ funds pooled together. We have NO subjectivity bias. In fact, we make sure we invest our own funds along with those of our investors to align our interests with theirs. That way, what is good for our clients really IS good for us.

Why does JB Vantage do this?
 We pool all funds together because we want to effectively fulfill our fiduciary duty to our investors

1. We don’t want to face the dilemma of having to decide what client account to trade on first. We want to be able to provide identical trading priority to all our investors, with no hint of favoritism.
2. We can provide the identical benefits and gains to all our investors using this method. For example, if investor X and investor Y invest in our fund on the same day and redeem on the same day three years later they will earn the identical percentage return, despite the fact that X invested Rs 1 million and Y invested Rs 100 million. Or even despite the fact that we have a personal relationship with Y.
3. We can achieve economies of scale through investing large ticket sizes. This implies lower custody and brokerage costs, efficient handling of cash flows and lower cost accommodation of asset mix shifts by the manager across all our clients.

How can an investor be sure of all this actually taking place?

That is easy to establish. There is one common price for all buyers and for all sellers transacting on a particular day. This common price ensures that the investment process and manner in which returns are provided are completely transparent ; and easy to track. Fund prices are published in the financial sections of major English newspapers and on our website. All an investor needs to do is compare their purchase price with their selling price to compute their investment’s performance.

  • "Great reporting. As an investor who generally thinks the Unit Trust industry taken as a whole in Sri Lanka is a disgrace it is nice to see a difference. I am really not speaking of performance which seems to have been exceptional but of the meaningful information which is being conveyed in the reporting which is not only in a globally acceptable format but is also not misleading."

    INVESTORValue Equity Fund
  • "Awesome return for the equity fund.  I missed the bus on this bull run."

    INVESTORMoney Market Fund

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To view our fund performance or to learn more about our process and products click below.